Monday, August 27, 2007

A Wonderful Weekend of Politics

I attended three wonderful political events this past weekend. My weekend started on Saturday afternoon at the Koury Center here in Greensboro for the NC Democratic Party State Executive Committee Meeting. This is my party's semi-annual Executive Committee Meeting. For disclosure purposes, I am a State Executive Committee Member, with full voting powers. We conducted our normal business and cast our votes. It is really a good feeling to see Democracy in action within my party's walls. I won't go into particulars from the meeting on our business at hand. I will tell you the candidates for the '08 race who have publicly announced all had time to speak to a contingent that was represented from all corners of our state. We have a crowded field for State Lieutenant Governor and for State Treasurer. There are 4 Democrats in the race for both of those seats. I saw Richard Moore speak about his Governors race, if Bev Perdue spoke I missed it on one of my few trips out to speak with others in the hall. The meeting went from 2pm to 5pm.

At 5:30pm, the big event of the day began. The Sanford-Hunt dinner. This year the dinner was at George K's off of Holden Rd, right around the corner from the Executive meeting at Koury. This dinner pays tribute to two wonderful Democrats from our great state. Terry Sanford and Jim Hunt.

Every moment of this event, which sold over 600 tickets, was exciting and inspirational. Congressman Brad Miller gave the opening speech. Senator Betty McCain gave an inspired speech. We all ate and conversed and waited for our keynote speaker. Gov Jim Hunt. This is the second time I have heard a Gov Hunt speak and both times I walk away an inspired Democrat and a better person. There are so many representatives to mention that were in attendance, so I'll just leave it at if you are anyone in the Democratic Party, you were there. If you weren't you missed a wonderful event and must go next year.

A huge hand to my State Party chair, Jerry Meek. For your leadership and your vision. I thank you.

Here are some pictures taken by my friend Jerimee Richer.

Keynote Speaker Gov Jim Hunt

Congressman Brad Miller

Senator Betty Ray McCain

State Representative Grier Martin engages with a Young Democrat.

8th Congressional District hopeful Larry Kissel at Sanford-Hunt

State Party Chair Jerry Meek
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