Sunday, February 25, 2007

YDNC Convention Comes To Guilford County

A few months ago I submitted a bid to have the Young Democrat's State Convention here in Guilford County. The convention has not been here in a long time. I won that bid to have it here.

Judge Robbie Hassell told me he was a Young Dem last time it was here. I'm not going to make any jokes, because you never know when you might be standing in front of a judge. I also now understand what Sue Polinsky goes through when she masterminds ConvergeSouth.

The Convention Details are as follows:

2007 Spring Convention

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Greensboro, NC

Click here to Purchase Tickets and for Sponsorship Opportunities


Congressman Artur Davis (Alabama-7th District)


Friday 7:00pm - until

  • Hospitality Rooms at the Koury Center
  • Visit Greensboro
  • Watch the NCAA Tournament

Saturday 9:00am - 4:00pm

9:00am - 1:00pm - Registration
9:15am - 9:45am - Teen Democrats Meeting and Elections
9:45am - 10:30am - College Democrats Meeting and Elections
10:30am -11:15am - Internet Campaigning w/ speaker Matt Gross (Joe Trippi and Howard Dean's online architect in 2004) and Ed Cone (Greensboro blogger, Tech Journalist and N&R Columnist)
11:15am - 12:00pm - Getting Started in a Political Career w/ Young Democrats who have made a career in National and State politics
12:00pm - 1:00pm - Meet your new Legislators - Meet 8 of the 10 new Democrats in the General Assembly, and hear their agenda for 2007.
1:00pm - 2:30pm Lunch with Elected Officials and Keynote Speaker
2:30pm - 4:00pm - Young Democrats Election of Officers for 2007-2008

So yes, I tapped some Guilford County resources in Matt and Ed to pass along the blogging community torch to some potential new online activists. I couldn't ask for two better to come speak. It is going to be a lot like ConvergeSouth as far as format. Audience participation seems to be the way to go.

The list of attending elected officials is growing by the day and the current list is:

Confirmed Dignitaries Attending

Congressman Brad Miller (NC-13)

Lt Governor Beverly Perdue

State Treasurer Richard Moore

Judge Linda Stephen - NC Court of Appeals

State Senator Tony Foreist (Alamance, Caswell)

State Senator Steve Goss (Alexander, Ashe, Watauga, Wilkes)

State Senator Joe Sam Queen (Avery, Haywood, Madison, McDowell, Mitchell, Yancey)

State Rep. Maggie Jeffus (Guilford)

State Rep. William Brisson (Bladen, Cumberland)

State Rep. Grier Martin (Wake)

State Rep. Jim Harrell III (Alleghany, Surry)

State Rep Annie Mobley (Hertford)

State Rep Pricey Harrison (Guilford)

State Rep Larry Hall (Durham)

State Rep Ty Harrell (Wake)

State Rep. Ray Warren (Alexander)

State Rep Cullie Tarleton (Watuaga, Ashe)

Mayor Mike Cognac (Marvin, NC)

Mayor Pat Smathers (Canton, NC)

Mayor Keith Holliday (Greensboro, NC)

If you are a registered Democrat, you can attend this convention. Ticket info is available here.

If you have anymore questions you can e-mail me at

UPDATE: Matt Gross is unable to be at the event, but no worries as Chris Bowers from MyDD has stepped in to replace him.

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