US Revolutionary War 2005?
"No taxation without representation" was the motto that sent us into a revolution against the British. I feel there are striking resemblances today. Let me explain.
In today's United States we are double, triple and even quadruple taxed and more on just about everything we purchase. We pay income tax on the money we make, two to be in fact. When you purchase something imported we pay a tariff on most items, then pay sales tax. On gas, there is an import tax to get it here, then we pay state and federal tax to purchase it.
Some of you may say we are represented, but I say no. The politicians that are supposed to be representing us are looking out for big business, not the consumer and citizen. Not so much on a state level, but definitely on the federal level. You say you want proof, just look at the Bush Administration's policies. The Energy Bill that was recently passed offered no relief for consumers at the gas pumps, but did offer tax exemptions for big oil in the sum of over 11 billion dollars. This is the break they get considering that say Exxon/Mobil made a small profit of 7.8 billion dollars in the first three months of the year. So how much did you spend on gas the first three months of the year?
Do you feel like your Congress represented you in this particular case? I don't think so. They are not in touch with the American people. They won't be downsized, not at least until the people rise up. They don't need health care, that is paid for by all the taxpayers.
Folks, we did it to ourselves. Most choose large gas guzzling SUV's instead of fuel efficient or hybrid vehicles. We should have seen the signs in the 70's, but we didn't and now we are paying the price. I drive a tiny Kia and it cost me $27.50 to fill up a little more then 3/4 of my tank. I can only imagine what the guy or soccer mom who drives a Navigator pays. I would love to buy a hybrid but, with the cost of gas, I can't save enough to have a down payment. I am sure there are a lot of things that most of you would love to purchase right now, but the gas squeeze has put that on hold. (NOTE: Anyone who wants to donate a hybrid is more then welcome. Just had to put that out there.)
In an ideal world we would all be personally responsible and environmentally friendly. But this is the McUnited States, where we have to super-size everything because a regular burger isn't good enough. We buy McCars and McHouses and McLattes and McTV's and all we are really doing is McScrewing ourselves in the long run.
Tea was the materialistic symbol used by the original thirteen colonies to make a stand against the British. Oil or "Texas T" should be our symbol. Besides the fact that the Bush Administration is knee deep in the oil industry, made and makes considerable money, and turns their collective cheeks to the average citizen; we should take our stand against oil.
I am in no way saying dump oil or gas in any body of water, as they did with tea. What I am saying is we as a country should go on strike for a week and see how it affects the oil companies and the rest of the world. We should lay out of work(better yet take your vacation time) and refuse to drive anywhere for a week in protest of the high and still raising gas prices. The blogisphere should blog swarm this and we should unite red and blue to fight this until it breaks. Less then six years ago I was paying around a buck for a gallon of gas. Now I can buy cigarettes cheaper. I never thought I would see the day.
If can make a stand to feed the hungry people of Niger, then why can't we take a stand against the oil companies? This is our time, if we don't act now we will see $5 a gallon for gas and that won't be pretty.
Anyone interested in organizing or participating in this, please e-mail me at .