On The Meme
1: Do you like the look and the contents of your blog?
I like the look and the content. I have been debating about switching to another blog software like Wordpress to give me more options like tagging.
2: Does your family know about your blog?
Yes, my wife is always the first to read or hear my articles. She's straight up with me, as cold as it is sometimes.
3: Can you tell your friends about your blog? Do you consider it a private thing?
Yes, I tell everyone I know. Blogs are an important communications tool that I feel everyone should at least try or read. This is far from private. This is the World Wide Web.
4: Do you just read the blogs of those who comment on your blog? Or do you try to discover new blogs?
I read the blogs in my RSS feed, the ones I rely on for local and national news. I am always looking for more blogs to latch on to.
5: Did your blog positively affect your mind? Give an example.
This is where I bitch among other things. It is my creative release since I don't play music anymore. Yes, it effects my mind.
6: What does the number of visitors to your blog mean? Do you use a traffic counter?
I use sitemeter, a free blog counter. The number of visitors doesn't mean much to me. I do like to see who is linking to me and why.
7: Did you imagine how other bloggers look like?
No. It's their minds that matter.
8: Do you think blogging has any real benefit?
It is the real voice of the people. Mass Media is so diluted and careful how they say things, because they have advertisers that pay their salaries. Bloggers have advertisers, but for me I could care less if I have income from my blog. It is an outlet, and it is an unedited world of news and opinion. It has many benefits in politics. It has allowed me to connect with politicos and now serve as President of the Guilford County Young Dems and 3rd Vice Chair of the Democratic Party in Guilford County. My entire small business was festered for my blog. I could write this answer for ever.
9: Do you think that the Blogisphere is a stand alone community separated from the real world?
No. It's funny how all the major media outlets are using phrases like, "Let's go to the blogs", to report on stories. Ask Dan Rather if he feels we are separated.
10: Do some political blogs scare you? Do you avoid them?
Yeah. The ones on the far right, but the far right scares me in all aspects of their being. They're a bunch of wingnuts, who are a straight jacket away from crazy.
11. Do you think that criticizing your blog is useful?
Yes. I am far from perfect or good for that matter. I always like advise from my peers in the blogisphere.
12: Have you ever thought about what would happen to your blog in case you died?
It would let everyone know who I was and what was important to me. It would sort of serve as my memoirs, without all the events of my life, but ones I felt were important enough and not so private to share.
13: Which blogger had the greatest impression on you?
Ed Cone and David Hoggard. Ed is like a mentor, someone I can go to for advise. He cover a lot of stuff I like to read. David is a great guys for local politics and for putting it all into perspective. Mathew Gross, this guy changed the game in politics. I like Sean Coon a bunch as well.
14: Which blogger you think is the most similar to you?
Sean Coon. We are, in ways, cut from the same mold. And, both Yankees fans.
15: Name a song you want to listen to.
Rage Against the Machine- Take the Power Back
I am not going to pass this on. Sorry, but it's meme hunting season.